It's that time of year again, when LOVE is in the air! Often it is a wonderfully romantic time, otherwise, obviously filled with the commercial cards, candy and flowers. If you are a lucky one, it is a day of romance, love and a touch of delicious food. Perhaps a day of forgiveness. Perhaps a day of gratitude. For some, it is a painful time. It is a reminder of love lost or love never realized. For others, it is a reflection of unrequited love. Whatever your situation, remember, the most important person in the world is YOU. So, stretch your arms out wide, and then slowly bring them in to embrace yourself. You always have you forever. You are the one person you can always count on. Why not set a romantic table? Set it for yourself. Use your best china, crystal, silverware. Spend a few dollars at the grocery store and buy yourself a nice bouquet. Give all that love you have stored up to yourself. You deserve it! Or, make a special effort for the one you love. Either way, you are special, so make someone else feel special, too.
Red, Always the Color of Valentine's Day!
A Valentine Tree
Romantic Miniatures
Celebrate YOU on Valentine's Day...